
Join the scheduling movement for everyone

Cronofy is a fast-growing technology company with offices in Nottingham (HQ), Amsterdam and London, with several team members working remotely across Europe. We serve people and businesses worldwide, from market leaders like GoDaddy, Houzz, and Indeed to the smallest tech start-ups.

We are on the search for super-talented people who strive for excellence. So if we float your boat, get in touch!

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About Cronofy

Our culture and principles

We believe that managing time should take minimal effort and consider a person’s whole life with complete respect for their privacy. We’re a product-focused company led by a successful serial entrepreneur. Cronofy is at that exciting stage where every person that joins the team can have a significant hand in our success and rapidly advance their careers in the process.

Our purpose

Give everyone more time to do the things they need and want to do.

Our mission

We deliver tools and services that allow businesses, groups and people to effectively organise their time with complete respect for their privacy.

Our vision

A world where everyone has more time to spend on what’s important to them. Instead of organising, time should be spent living.

Help us create the future of scheduling

Open positions

"Cronofy is an Engineer's dream - we tackle interesting problems, a culture of constant improvement and a focus on maintaining a healthy balance. There’s the freedom to investigate and solve problems, and the support of talented colleagues. If you want to grow and do your best work, you won’t find many companies which enable it this much."

Ad Whittingham
Senior Engineer

Highly-rated and recognised as
A Great place to work

The view from inside

Perks of the job

Life at Cronofy

We can support remote, office, or a hybrid working model. Face-to-face time is really important to us, and on top of monthly meetings (usually in our Nottingham HQ or London), we encourage our teams to spend time together.

We work hard but insist everyone considers the balance with life outside of the workplace. Flexible working is encouraged, and we consist of a team spread across the globe.

We are direct in our dealings with each other and have worked hard to build a trusting environment. We encourage individuals not to be afraid of giving each other honest feedback. Regular 1:1s, 360 feedback, and a policy of honesty create a powerful working environment.

Our tools

We are big on communication and use a range of tools in our collaboration eco-system.

  • Notion is our primary source of knowledge
  • Slack is our day to day communication platform
  • Zoom is our meeting room
  • Personio is our ATS system
  • Google Workspace is our email and document source
  • Lattice is our people and performance platform

Our hiring process

Click on the steps below to learn more about our hiring process and how it aligns with our culture.

Intro with head of talent

A 15-30 minute introductory call with our Head of Talent. A chance to explore your CV and suitability to the role, but also to get to know Cronofy and understand if it's the right fit for you.

Chat with hiring manager

A 30-60 minute call with the person you'd be reporting to is an opportunity to learn more about the role and responsibilities. Expect to go into further detail about your skills fit and make sure to ask questions to see if this is somewhere you'd like to work.

Interview and take home task

A 90 minute call with a task. A more formal interview with your Hiring Manager and at least one other person, and a task related to the duties of the role. We'd give you the brief in advance, but this is where you get the opportunity to showcase your skills and get really into the detail of how we work.

Team talk

One to one calls with our team. To help assess cultural fit, we'd look to schedule a couple of calls with members of our team so you can ask the questions you wouldn't normally ask at interview. It's an opportunity to give you a holistic view of Cronofy and how we operate, but also for you to learn anything you'd want to know before making a decision.

Job offer

Success! We'd put a formal offer forward subject to references and background checks.

Final checks

Ideally we'd look to speak to two references, and we run a basic background check for compliancy ahead of your start date.

Articles & News

The view from inside

Learn more about life at Cronofy