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March 19, 2019

How AI in Education Saves Time and Encourages Smarter Decisions

77% of teachers feel they can’t do their best work because of a lack of time and resources. That means millions of students aren’t getting all they should be able to from their lessons.Tools powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) offer new resources to teachers and can help them save time. Teachers with more time and resources can focus more on the individual needs of their students. AI doesn’t just have the potential to benefit teachers, though. Students and admin staff can also use it to be more efficient.

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February 21, 2019

Embed Real-Time Scheduling in Your Applications with UI Elements

Our Calendar and Scheduling APIs are helping hundreds of companies deliver better scheduling to hundreds of thousands of users. But not every product integrated with Cronofy has an existing calendar interface. We see a lot of our customers build user interface elements on top of the Cronofy APIs. These can take further hours of development time, increasing how long it takes before your customers can benefit from two-way calendar sync. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the first three Cronofy UI Elements.

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February 7, 2019

6 Benefits of Automation in the Workplace

From scheduling interviews to booking a taxi, automation is everywhere. While some are afraid that AI, automation, and robots are coming for their jobs, results show otherwise: it’s helping us to do our jobs. Not just faster, but better, too. Productivity is increasing because we’re not spending as much time on tedious tasks. We have more time to spend working toward key objectives and helping the business to grow instead of on necessary but time-consuming tasks that eat up our time.Let’s take a deeper look at some of the benefits of automation in the workplace.

HR Tech
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November 29, 2018

How to Give Your Employees More Control Over Their Schedules

Employees are increasingly demanding cultural fit over remuneration when it comes to the roles they choose. Businesses therefore need to find ways to demonstrate the kinds of businesses they are – whom they employee, what they value, and what their plans are for the future. One of the ways they can do this is by giving employees more control over their schedules. Doing so shows employees that they’re trusted to manage their time and commitments. It also means that businesses can hire from a wider pool of talent because the flexibility and independence that comes from this control will inevitably attract more candidates. The more candidates a company attracts to a role, the more likely they are to hire the right person for the role and retain them, too.All these things are great, of course, but how do you give your employees more control over their schedules? Let’s take a look.

HR Tech
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November 22, 2018

How to Communicate Your Company Culture with Candidates

Communicating your company culture is imperative to hiring the right person first time. The more clearly you get your company culture across to prospective candidates, the more likely you are to attract applicants with not only the right skills but the mindset you are looking for, too.According to the Harvard Business Review, people and cultural fit is the most important part of a job for candidates. It even comes above opportunities for career progression. Should you hire a candidate with a poor cultural fit, you're likely to find yourself re-hiring for the same position pretty quickly.But getting your company culture across to people outside of your organization isn’t always easy. Especially if you're a startup.To effectively share your company culture with candidates, you need to be open and honest with them from the start. That way, they know exactly what to expect as soon as they walk through the door.

HR Tech
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November 15, 2018

Automated Interview Scheduling Report

You could save your customers up to 95% of their interview scheduling time by adding automated interview scheduling to your software.That means they have more time to spend shortlisting, conducting interviews, and offering feedback to candidates.It also means they can hire much, much faster.Even if their hiring process involves complicated multi-part interviews.Your team, meanwhile, spend less time building and maintaining complicated scheduling features and calendar connections.Discover how adding automated interview scheduling to your software could benefit you and your customers.Download our interview scheduling report today!

HR Tech
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