Schedule any interview in minutes

Hire 60% faster and spend 95% less time scheduling with the Cronofy Scheduler.

Recruiters save 300 hours a year.

Man and woman scheduling a meeting next to a large calendar

Cronofy works with your ATS

300 hrs
saved per recruiter
per year
faster interview

Scheduler recruitment features

Schedule on behalf of others
Schedule interviews for managers to keep the recruitment pipeline moving.
Override blocked times
Book over “blocked time” saved for interviews in a hiring manager’s calendar.
Scheduling groups and rules
Set up pre-defined groups for multi-player interviews like panel or group interviews.
Easy rescheduling
No more rescheduling headaches. You or your candidates can reschedule and notify everyone in 2 clicks.
Real-time calendar updates
Candidates always see a manager’s real-time availability, so there’s no risk of double booking.
Schedule everywhere
Install the Cronofy extension and schedule interviews in whatever browser you’re using.
A screenshot showing how easily the Scheduler browser extension works with your CRM.

Easy panel and group interview scheduling

Panel, group and sequenced interviews are scheduled in minutes, not days. Cronofy provides interview scheduling without the complexity of  juggling between several calendars.

The Scheduler works with with all major calendar providers. Availabilities sync in real-time to let candidates choose the interview times that work for them.

Integrates with your ATS

Schedule interviews 95% faster without leaving the recruitment software you already use.

Cronofy is designed for integration, working seamlessly with your chosen ATS and existing workflows.

See our ATS integrations
An illustration of silver haired man resembling George Clooney / Professor Oak smiling whilst on a laptop.
Interview scheduling was always the absolute worst part of my job. This would have formed 50 to 70% of my role previously – Cronofy whittles it down to 10% max.
Genevieve O’Neill
Head of Talent, Keelvar
A screenshot showing how easily the Scheduler browser extension works with your CRM.

Adapts to changes in hiring

Cronofy is built for performance, even during periods of high-volume hiring.

The Scheduler is adaptable to your changing recruitment needs and can scale with ease.

Speak to our team about our capabilities

Privacy-first technology

Scheduling designed with security in mind. Cronofy is the most secure scheduling platform for recruitment.

Your candidate’s details are always kept private, even from others in your business.

Learn more about privacy
An illustration of silver haired man resembling George Clooney / Professor Oak smiling whilst on a laptop.

It's time to leave those interview scheduling headaches behind

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