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June 11, 2014

Cut it out: Things to eliminate from your life to enhance your productivity

Our lives are cluttered. Day by day our to-do lists get longer, inboxes get fatter and simple tasks go undone.If we actually stopped to think about it for a few minutes there are all sorts of things that we do, or that others do, that get in the way of our productivity, general sense of accomplishment, and sense of sanity. The good news is that we can put a halt to these things in a bid to streamline our days and get more done.Start small, and see how much time you could gain for really getting down to business.

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June 4, 2014

Flexibility: It Might Just Change Your Life

Being flexible is good for your career, so says new research. Compressing our working hours, job sharing and working from home have varied and surprising benefits and can help with maintaining a reasonable work/life balance. Plus it could even enhance your career opportunities.

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May 28, 2014

Walk This Way: The Power of Standing up and Moving During Meetings

Millions of us spend most of our days sitting down. Whether it’s behind a desk at work or in front of the TV at home, we can easily rack up 8 hours or more on our bottoms. And this, so say several recent studies, is not good for us.

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May 21, 2014

Plan, Prepare, Picture: How to be Ready for Your Meetings

Assuming you have at least some warning that a meeting is going to take place, you really should do what you can to prepare thoroughly for it. Doing so not only makes your life easier, but your colleagues will thank you for it as well.

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May 8, 2014

24 Usable Hours: How to Make the Most of Each Day

We each have the same amount of time per day – 24 usable hours are ours to do with what we wish. How is it then that some people seem able to get so much more done? And, even more annoyingly, they often do so without having to ingest all the coffee that South America can produce and without going bald from tearing their hair out.

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April 1, 2014

When Meetings go Wrong: How to Spot the Warning Signs

If you were to ask most office workers what they spend most of their time doing they will probably say having meetings and/or dealing with emails. Staples of the everyday working life, you might respond. But in reality these are often unproductive activities that eat into our precious office hours.

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