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November 20, 2014

New Startup of the Year 2014

We’re very excited to announce that on Tuesday we were named New Startup of the Year at the Nott Tuesday Tech Startup of the Year Awards.

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October 24, 2014

Personal access tokens for our Unified Calendar API

We're always busy working on new features behind the scenes, so it's always a great day when we can report that new functionality is live. We particularly love it when we can push new functionality live that we know will save you time and make your life easier by its very nature.Today is no exception. We're pleased to announce you can now generate personal access tokens for our unified calendar API.

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August 15, 2014

On finding Cronofy "indispensable"

Speaking to your users is a critical part of building a successful business. In particular, we love Kathy Sierra's eloquent take on building badass users. Unless you speak to your users you haven't got hope of knowing whether you've helped them be badass.

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August 6, 2014

Finally there's a first class API for calendars

One of the realisations I had early on when I was frustrated by how useless calendars were to me, was that CalDAV was an awful API for app integration. As I investigated further it was clear that Google's Calendar API was more sensible but, of course, only worked for Google.

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July 11, 2014

Top tips for effective meetings from start to finish

Meetings are an intrinsic part of most jobs. For better or worse we seem to be called to the meeting room for one reason or another at frequent intervals over the course of a year. Sometimes these sessions are productive, efficient, hassle-free and even enjoyable. But at worst they are tiring, boring, difficult to follow, unproductive and, to put it bluntly, a complete waste of time.How, then, can you focus on the former, and avoid the latter? The trick is to consider each of the three stages to a meeting and plan, and react, accordingly. Here are our top tips for effective meetings.

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July 2, 2014

Technology, working hours and the global village: Can we ever really turn off?

Technology is great. But it can be a real pain in the proverbial.Over the last couple of decades our world has changed considerably. It has become smaller and far better connected. This new global village means that, as well as it always being 5pm and therefore time for a glass of plonk, it is always within working hours for colleagues and connections in another part of the world.

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