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November 11, 2015

Stop Apologizing for Your Work

Have you ever apologized for something you’ve created before someone has even had a chance to look at it? If so, chances are you’re an over-apologizer. I’ve worked with so many people in the web industry over the years who apologize for what they’re showing you before you’ve even clicked the link or opened the file. And yet every time, I’m still surprised. I know that these people send me amazing stuff every single time without fail, yet they don’t seem to believe that they do.

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October 28, 2015

9 personality traits of an effective developer

Whilst not an exhaustive list, this is also not a list of requirements. Many of the traits are contradictory, in fact it is the balance of them that is most appealing. You will rarely find them within one individual, which is what makes building teams so interesting. It is hard for one person to encapsulate the following traits in perfect balance, but it is easier to hire or form a team that exhibits them in aggregate.

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October 26, 2015

Introducing the .NET SDK for the Cronofy Calendar API

As well as continually working on updates and new features for the Cronofy API, we’re also committed to providing you with tutorials, guides and code to help get you up and running with minimal time and effort.This is an ongoing focus designed to make your life easier and open up calendar integration further so there’s less dependency on specific programming languages, frameworks, and environments.

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October 5, 2015

Why Is My Calendar Feed Not Updating?

Until now the only straightforward technical option for getting a list of events to appear in someone’s calendar was publishing an ICS feed. While simple from a development standpoint, it’s a pretty crummy user experience.The problems with this approach are at the heart of why we built Cronofy. We absolutely believe that bookings information should be available in people’s calendar. However, ICS files are not the way to do it.

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September 24, 2015

The developer's guide to marketing & promotion: writing blog posts

Welcome to our new blog series, The Developer's Guide to Marketing and Promotion. Throughout this series we'll be looking at ways to promote yourself and your skills with minimal time and effort but measurable results. If you missed the first part in this series you can catch up here: The developer's guide to social media.This second post in the series looks at why you should consider blogging, overcoming obstacles, and improving your writing.

How to
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September 16, 2015

Making the most of events: a guide for startups

Whether you’re attending a small workshop or a renowned international conference, events provide immense – and often unprecedented – opportunities for your startup. Here’s a quick guide to making the most of them regardless of your industry and size.

How to
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