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May 3, 2018

Who Can Benefit from Mentorship Programs?

Back in the early days of Cronofy, the team met up with a mentor (who was also one of our early investors) to define the company culture. One of the things he said is still quoted around the office today: “Culture isn’t foosball tables.” There may have been some more colourful language included too…

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April 26, 2018

How to Manage Projects with the Trello Calendar Connector

Ah, project management. So much to do and so many moving parts to coordinate.The bigger the project, the more pieces of the puzzle there are to fit together, and the more you have to think about.Trello is one of the world’s most well-known – and much-loved – project management tools. However, it’s not always the best tool for managing your time. Until now…

How to
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April 19, 2018

How to Connect Students with Mentors

Mentorship is a huge part of education.It goes further than teachers mentoring their students, though. Peer-to-peer mentorship schemes can provide students with extra support from people who’ve been in their situation. This can help to boost their confidence, improve their grades, and even help with their career prospects. After all, many great job opportunities come from networking.

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April 12, 2018

How Will AI Transform the Hiring Process?

Artificial Intelligence. AI. We have all heard about it or read an article detailing how it is going to change the way we work or even live. There is also a degree of fear: will machines learn too much and decide to replace us? Watching Terminator will do that to you. But today’s AI is both more complex and much less advanced than self-conscious, freedom-seeking robots.

HR Tech
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March 30, 2018

How to Find More Time in the Day

Ever feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day?As we progress through our careers, we have more to do but the same amount of time to achieve everything. You end up letting people down, losing track of priorities, and feeling like a disorganized mess that will never get anything done.Unfortunately, we can’t magically create more time in the day.We can, however, work with the time that we already have to find more time to get things done. Here's how you can too.

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March 29, 2018

How to Build an Effective Employee Onboarding Process

Many employers make the mistake of thinking that hiring is the hardest part of an employee’s journey. While it is important, it’s only the beginning.The onboarding process is as equally important as the hiring process, if not more so. It’s the start of their (hopefully long and enjoyable) career working for you, meaning that it’s crucial that you get it right.

HR Tech
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