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January 28, 2020

How to Deliver a First-Class Hiring Experience

We look at how HR Tech providers are helping their clients win the war for talent and break the candidate journey down into the key stages.

HR Tech
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January 2, 2020

Supporting a SaaS Product

The first interaction many customers have with a business is with their support team.According to Forbes, businesses lose $75B a year due to poor customer service. It's therefore important to make sure that the first impression you make on your customers is a positive one.In this post you’ll find some of the things you can do to deliver a positive, lasting impression on your customers via your support team.

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December 17, 2019

HR Tech Trends for 2020

In 2020, HR tech tools are going to become even more embedded into the lives of employers and employees alike. Their mission will continue to be providing the best possible talent experience.

HR Tech
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December 13, 2019

SaaS Tools for Startups

As a SaaS company, it should come as no surprise that we use a range of SaaS tools to help us achieve our goals.From sales to marketing to software development, we all rely on tools to make our lives easier.Finding the right tool is a process of trial and error – we've experimented with many over the years. Some of those we found less effective as teams scaled while others we still use now. But we wouldn't have found tools that we love and use daily without this process.

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November 28, 2019

The Best Team Collaboration Tools for Remote Work

When you’re part of a remote team, the collaboration tools you use can make your work life easier or more difficult. They can reduce stress or they can add to it. They can help you better connect with your other team members, or they can be the wedge that drives you apart.

Inside Cronofy
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November 21, 2019

5 Benefits of Coaching in the Workplace

Coaching in the workplace is something that more and more companies are investing in. This may involve connecting employees to other colleagues within the company, or with external coaches or mentors who can help them develop their skills.Previously, coaching was only offered to executive-level employees. Now, businesses are increasingly investing in coaching for employees at every stage of their career.There are lots of benefits of coaching and mentorship for mentors and mentees, but what are the benefits to the company that they work for? How does it help them in the short and long-term?

HR Tech
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