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April 25, 2016

Interview with Topcoder's Nick Castillo

We caught up with Nick Castillo, Lead Evangelist at Topcoder. In our interview Nick tells us the secrets of a great hack submission, which famous startup founders are Topcoder community members, and what makes a good API...

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April 20, 2016

How to be an effective developer in a startup

Working in a startup is probably the most exciting place to be a developer simply because you’re the master of your own destiny. It’s also one of the toughest places as you will probably have very little safety net or support. Here are some ways to make the most of this unique position and make life easier for everyone at the same time.

How to
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April 18, 2016

How we use paid advertising to promote Cronofy

We’ve tried many marketing channels to raise the profile of Cronofy over the last few months. Some worked and others didn’t really deliver on our optimistic expectations. In this post we will share what we have learned from experience and testing and the best practices we follow to promote our Calendar API with paid advertising.

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March 14, 2016

How to develop ideas for hackathons

We’re currently preparing for Hack24 as both sponsors and participants, so we decided to write a mini-series of blog posts to sit alongside it. The first post in this set is 'How to prepare for a hack event', so don’t forget to check that out if you missed it the first time around!In the meantime, here are our top tips for finding inspiration for hackathons.

How to
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March 9, 2016

How to Prepare for a Hack Event

We’re sponsoring (and setting a challenge at) this year’s Hack24, so with that in mind we thought it would be helpful to create a mini-series around hackathons and hack days. All the advice in this post can be applied to any hack event, so make sure to bookmark this post for future reference!

How to
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February 17, 2016

The growth of the API

The humble application programming interface has seen tremendous growth over the past few years, and no one’s happier about that than we are! TechCrunch recently wrote about the “the API-centric future” of coding and the web, so we thought we’d take a look at why, in our opinion, APIs have become so fundamental, how to explain what they are to less technical people, and what the numbers look like. You might be surprised…

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