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July 26, 2016

Alfred powered working

By far one of the most useful things we’ve done at Cronofy is double down on using Alfred.For those of you that don’t know, Alfred is OSX’s Spotlight on steroids. One of the key features is the ability to specify custom searches, accessible via single key combination.

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July 19, 2016

Opaque IDs

At Cronofy we expose opaque IDs from our API, a strategy we gratuitously copied from Stripe. So what is an opaque ID?

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July 12, 2016

Product Owner, not Product Overlord

As a product owner you represent the customer, you are responsible for their experience of the product. From the messages the customer hears when word of your product first dances into their ears, to account setup, to the warm fuzzy feeling of the product doing just what they needed it to do – You’re responsible for all of it.

Product Management
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June 23, 2016

5 really useful periphery skills for developers

The webmaster days of yore aren’t coming back anytime soon, but it never hurts to go beyond the comfort of programming into the wider world. So why bother learning periphery skills?

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June 13, 2016

How to Manage Your Workload with our Trello Calendar Connector

The beauty of Trello is in its simplicity – it’s just boards, columns, and cards with no constraints around how they’re used. This flexibility makes it a great tool for a whole range of uses beyond project management.

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June 9, 2016

How we built the Trello Calendar Connector

After seeing the popularity of our other calendar connectors (Evernote, Zendesk, and Slack), we began work on a new calendar connector for synchronizing Trello cards with your calendars. Here's what it does and how it can work for you.

How to
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