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February 1, 2017

Announcing our EU data centre

At Cronofy, one of the things we take very seriously is privacy. Hand-in-hand with privacy comes data protection. When it comes to calendars, data security is paramount. Calendars are windows into people’s personal and professional lives. They can hold anything from board meetings to medical appointments.

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January 26, 2017

Tech City UK selects Cronofy for Upscale

We are proud and excited to announce today that we have been selected to join the Upscale program from Tech City UK. This is the second edition of the Upscale programme, 33 of the fastest growing and most promising UK tech companies have been chosen for growth acceleration.

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January 11, 2017

Automating Front End Layout Testing

While working on improvements to the front end of our Developer Dashboard and Calendar Sandbox we found out that our development speed was hindered by a lack of tooling, such as automated testing, and the need to manually test multiple pages after making style changes.

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December 19, 2016

Announcing the Availability API

Organising meetings is a hassle. Working out who is available and when takes a lot of time and gets more difficult the more a company grows. At Cronofy we’re connecting software providers with the calendars of their users. Using the Cronofy API’s real-time connection to people’s busy schedules, our customers are coming up with smart new ways to get people together.

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December 1, 2016

CalDAV and the Cronofy API

Something we’re asked from time-to-time is why we didn’t use the standards of CalDAV and iCalendar, instead going for a custom HTTP+JSON API. CalDAV and iCalendar are great, of the APIs and formats we integrate with they are probably the best.

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November 29, 2016

5 Key Attributes to Being Successful in a Startup Sales Job

Working in sales for a startup is as close to entrepreneurship as you can get without starting your own business. I mostly enjoyed working in the sales departments of large and well established organizations, but I got fed up with the politics after a few years and decided to try something new. This is why I now work in sales for Cronofy.

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