Schedule 20x faster

Thousands of high performance teams use Cronofy to streamline their scheduling workflows.

Users save one whole day a week.

Man and woman scheduling a meeting next to a large calendar

Thousands of global brands use Cronofy

Designed for multi-user meetings

Schedule multi-player meetings in minutes, not days. Tackle complex scheduling without the back-and-forth.

Scheduling for groups

Simple scheduling for group meetings no matter what calendar they’re using.

Schedule on behalf of others

Schedule meetings for colleagues to keep business moving.

Easy rescheduling

You or your invitees can reschedule in 2 clicks and automatically notify everyone.

Integrates with the tools you use every day

Our integrations work with the software you’re already using. Supercharge your existing tools with automated scheduling for speed and results.

See our integrations

Automation that’s intuitive to your needs

Cronofy adapts to your changing needs. Automate scheduling for any meeting size or type, find times in busy calendars, and add personal scheduling rules to always stay in control of your calendar.

Override blocked times

Book over “blocked time” saved for meetings in someone’s calendar.


Add automated rules and settings like constraints on meeting times.

Automated selection

Automatically select the people needed for meetings, eg. a panel interview.

“Thanks to Cronofy, our clients have saved around 300 hours a year per user. Now they have the security and flexibility to deliver high-volume scheduling and a truly automated experience.”
Drew Austin
CEO & Co-Founder, Wade & Wendy

Our users' privacy comes first

We built Cronofy with security in mind. Science, Medical and legal teams schedule with Cronofy’s privacy-first technology.

Users even have the power to choose where their data is hosted with our international data centers.

Learn more about security →

High performers



Online appointment scheduling category



"Finally, a scheduling tool that just works!"
"Cronofy streamlines my workday and increases my meeting-request approvals"
"Simple, easy, and straight forward - my clients love it!"

Product demo webinar

Streamline hiring processes with automated interview scheduling

Watch the webinar

Win the war for talent with our latest Candidate Expectations Report

Get the report

Telehealth Access and Patient Experience infographic

View our infographic

Start streamlining your scheduling today

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